insights.industry jargon simplified.

How to Embrace Diversity and Inclusion — and Why It Matters

Almost exactly 50 years to this day, Marvin Gaye released What’s Going On, a masterful album on which he raised many of the pressing issues the world was …..

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Cookies Are Useful, but Connection Matters

“How can digital advertisers survive iOS 14?” Digital advertising channels are aflutter with worry, penning articles with sky-is-falling stories about pending changes to user privacy controls in Apple’s …..

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2021 Healthcare Policy Changes: What Could Be Coming

This is our 2021. It might still seem a little bit surreal that we are more than one year into a global pandemic, but we’re still here. Everyone …..

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TA Celebrates International Women’s Day [Today and Every Day]

March 8 is International Women’s Day. And we at ThomasArts are so thrilled to celebrate all women, today and every day of the year. ThomasArts is a company …..

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Utah Business Magazine awards TA “2020 Best Companies to Work For

Our employees love working here at TA. We see it every day in the smiles, virtual high-fives and each person’s growth towards a better life. We’re so happy …..

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Senior Marketing: Connecting with this Ripe, Bold Age on Facebook

Thomasarts has been focused on marketing to seniors since Dave Thomas founded the agency in 2003. Since then, Facebook marketing has become an effective tactic for reaching all …..

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